Buy Your items back within 30 days
Fort Knox Pawnbrokers is proud to offer an extended purchase, known as our Buy Back Program. This program gives you the first right to buy back your property.
- No finance charges
- No interest charge
All buy backs are considered sales. Items will be held for 30 days and you may come in and buy back your items for the amount listed on the receipt, plus tax, during business hours during that time period.
Want to learn more about our pawnbroker services? We Buy, Pawn & Sell Just About Anything Of Value Including…
Gold (Any Condition), Diamonds, Sports Memorabilia, Antique Jewelry, Amps, Fine Watches, Gold, Platinum Jewelry, Paintings, Fine Art, Broken Jewelry, Silver, Platinum, TV’s, Cameras, Video Cameras, Video Game Consoles, Musical Instruments, Guitars, Coins Including Gold & Silver, Vintage Jewelry, Estate Jewelry, Laptops, Computers, Tablets, iPads, Cars, Trucks, Bicycles, Motorcycles, RV’s, ATV’s, Sporting Goods, Boats & MORE!

Fort Knox Pawnbrokers is New York's #1 place to buy, pawn and sell!
Buy, Pawn & Sell Gold, Silver, Coins, Watches, Diamonds, Computers, Tablets, ipads, Televisions, Tools, Cars, Motorcycles, Cameras, Sports Memorabilia & More!